Tuesday, 15 March 2016

40. Ndongoesya Mwiaii Yesu


40. Ndongoesya Mwiaii Yesu

(He leadeth me)
S. S. S. 542 g. B. 302. C. F. 288,
N. S. 416 n. C. H. 330 l. H. 580,
F.S.H.286, W.S.H. 281, V.T. 4:361.
Key D 4/4(s)

Ndongoesya Mwiaii Yesu,
Nakwa ningutana muno,
O kula wienda nithi,
Mwiaii wakwa, ndongoesya.


Yesu, nundongoesya.
Kw’oko kwaku kungwatite,
Nakwa ningukuvikila,
Mwiaii, ndongoesya nyie.

Na yimwe ni matatwani,
Na yingi ni utanuni,
O maundu ni makoka,
Mwiaii wakwa, ndongoesya.

Kw’oko kwaku kungwatite
Amwe nimekunthatia,
Nakwa ningumaekea;
Mwiaii wakwa, ndóngoesya1

Namina wia kuku nthi
Ninguka kwaku ituni,
Nakwa ningukutaiia vo;
Mwiaii wakwa, ndongoesya


Pic 1 (Android)

Pic 2 (Android)

Pic 3 (Android)



Welcome to Mbathi sya kumutaiia Ngai. I hope you enjoy singing from the one book Mbathi sya kumutaiia Ngai which our parents and the church used to bring us up as God fearing people who love to worship the most high with songs.

I have developed a phone app called 'Taiia Ngai' which has all these songs.

Download a copy and sing your lungs out.

Follow and link up with me on other social media platforms here below;

Here is screenshot from the 'Taiia Ngai' android app.

Ngai amuathime.

Joseph Mwema